Perinatal Depression

Being pregnant or becoming a parent are major life transitions which can feel both exciting and challenging. Many expecting and new parents experience changes in their emotional and mental wellbeing.

1 in 5 expecting or new mothers and 1 in 10 expecting or new fathers will experience perinatal anxiety and/ or depression symptoms. If you or someone you know is struggling, please talk to a loved one or a doctor.



Endometriosis may have no external signs, but it’s a painful condition that affects more than 830,000 Australians.

Symptoms include

pelvic pain

painful periods

cramps 1 or 2 weeks around menstruation

heavy menstrual bleedingor bleeding between periods


pain during sexual intercourse

discomfort with bowel movements

lower back pain that may occur at any time during your menstrual cycle.

If you have experienced these symptoms, chat to your doctor about endometriosis.

Diverticulitis and Diet

The recommendations have changed for diverticulitis and diet in recent years. No longer being too concerned with nuts and seeds, it is suggested that you should eat a healthy high fibre diet!

When you are actually sick with acute diverticulitis, i.e. abdominal pain and fever, you should be seen by your GP or go to hospital if bad.
You then do the opposite with your diet! When the bowel is painful and inflamed you don’t want a lot of fibre pushing past the sore bit. Go on a soft low fibre diet for a week or two and then re-introduce fibre slowly.

Check out the link below for further information:


Check out the link below for further information:

Peanut Allergy Prevention

Peanut Butter

Recently the ground has shifted in regards to preventing peanut allergy in babies, the article below sums it up nicely.

Now the recommendation is to start introducing peanut butter at around 6 months. Have a chat with your GP regarding this at 4-6 months.

Overactive Bladder

If you suffer from an overactive bladder, below are some tips we recommend:

1. Eliminate bladder irritants such as caffeinated beverages, spicy food, carbonated beverages, and alcohol

2. Ensure adequate hydration – 1.5 Litres of fluid per day

3. Bladder retraining (Aim to pass 300mls or more at a time)

4. Pelvic floor muscle training and exercises

5. Manage constipation

6. Maintain a healthy weight

Urgency Control:

Below are also some urgency control strategies to consider:

1. Stop and relax – do not rush to the toilet, breathe slowly and evenly

2. Curl toes repeatedly or hold firmly

3. Stretch calf muscles and hold the stretch

4. If walking, slow pace and emphasise heel-toe walking

5. Squeeze and lift pelvic floor muscles and hold them tightly

6. Use distraction techniques e.g. count back from 100 by 7’s

Basic Knee Exercises

The basic exercises below are a great start for knee pain or knee arthritis.
General Rule: if it hurts, stop.

If you’re experiencing knee pain, call us now for an appointment with our exercise physiologist, Tim Dogue.


ITB Exercises



If you find yourself experiencing tightness down the outside of your thigh, try out some of the exercises in the link below:

Rotator Cuff Exercises

If you’re looking for some good Rotator Cuff exercises check out the link below. These simple exercises can be done at home.

You can get a Theraband from your local Physio like in the picture, or even better still – see us for a physio referral.